Do you want to change the face of GAPSS? Why not run for a position as an Executive! Our GAPSS executives bring a lot to the table and you can too! Our positions have something for everyone so why not run?!

The following page includes information on how to run and campaign in a GAPSS election, as well as some information on the current candidates.

  • President- Act as the primary spokesperson of GAPSS and oversee the executive teams. Organize meetings and create agendas. Run elections and AGMs.

    VP Internal- Act as the liaison between the executive teams and members, coordinate and plan internal events, and maintain and manage internal documents and the GAPSS website.

    VP External- Builds and maintains external relationships and communications, finds opportunities for increased collaboration with external organizations, leads the newsletter and co-leads marketing efforts.

    VP Marketing- Oversees and leads marketing efforts to ensure GAPSS maintains a constant social media presence, including creative marketing materials.

    VP Finance- Creates and maintains the GAPSS budgets, coordinates funding and provides financial advice to executive teams.

    VP Events- Lead the organization and execution of all GAPSS events. Coordinates with organizations, venues, and other university groups involved in any events. Submits approvals of events through BearsDen

    VP HGEO- Acts as the representative for HGEO students, connects with students in HGEO programs and advocates for their concerns. Act as Co-Editor-in-Chief for the Topophilia Journal with the VP Planning.

    VP Planning- Acts as the representative for SURP students, connects with students in SURP programs and advocates for their concerns. Act as Co-Editor-in-Chief for the Topophilia Journal with the VP HGEO.

  • In order to be eligible to run in and vote in a GAPSS election, you must be a registered member. Please remember to fill out the google form and BearsDen application to do this.

  • Nomination Period- February 24 @9am to March 16 @5pm

    Campaign Period- March 17 @9am to March 23 @5pm

    Election Forum- March 19 @6pm

    Voting Period- March 24 @9am to April 2 @5pm

    Announcement of Results/ Winter AGM- April 3 @6pm



2025/2026 〰️


To be announced…